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时间:2024-01-07 15:16:24



I am a sensitive person and easy to be moved by the small actions, such as the one who remembers my birthday and sends me the wish. People are impressed by the big movement, like girls always want surprise. When someone give them the surprise, they will be moved and remember it all the time. While if someone prepare the party for her, usually she won’t remember the name of the person, but she will be impressed by the lively atmosphere. The real beauty of life needs us to realize.

The person who stand by our side all the time is the one we should cherish. ……此处隐藏31853个字……放松自己,找一些娱乐是可以接受的,但是他们需要自律行为,不要让父母担心。



A lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.And many musicians meet and form a band because they like to play and write their own music.Howere,a band was called the Monkees that started in a different way.The numbers of the band were three actors and one singer.They played jokes on each other as well as play music and began as a TV show.Because of their humorous performances.They become famous. At first,they just pretended to sing with the help of other musicians.But,after a year they started to play their own songs .The broke up band finally produced a new record in 1996,with which they celebrated their former time as a real band.

